If you are a Entreprenuer and like this there are n number of struggle you must be facing, if you are one of them, then try to read this article at full. And don’t worry I am not going to giving you any Geeta Gyan and neither I am self help guru to boost your confidence. What I am going to talk about is how objectively you can address above problem statement and improvise your overall performance.
- Running your business from quite a long?
- Struggling with Stagnant Growth over last few years?
- Has a fear of loosing your business in coming few years?
- Facing a challenge to disruption in the overall market?
- Time and again having dead stock?
- Not able to figure it out what will be sales in coming few months?

Financial Management – It can be taken care if you really focus on two things
- Working Capital Management, which can be addressed through proper Debtors and Creditors Management
- Analysing Sales Cycle and planning Accordingly
Technology – Deploy correct tool to ease your business. Not necessarily all technology & implementation is expensive. There are some very handy and useful tools available in the market, which will not only pocket friendly but also help in improving your overall performance.
Competition – 100 years ago also there was a competition and things will remain same in next 100 years. Unless you don’t find your niche and don’t improve your way of working you will always find Competion as one excuse. Don’t think that if business has run for past 50 years and now it will continue to do same for next 50 years, no it is not going to happen unless you are prepared for it, take an example of Yahoo and Nokia
Employee Management – Biggest Problem if any business owner faces, is this. Unless you reward and recognize your employee, they will remain unhappy. Gone are the days when employees were loyal to you. Don’t forget they are also running family and they also have aspirations to grow.
Marketing & Advertising – It is a time of marketing, even small vendor selling vada pav is doing marketing for his/her business, than why you stop yourself for doing marketing. But don’t your forget money spent in right direction will yield you better results.
Time Management – In the world of Facebook, Instagram and YouTube, every business owner has to make fine balance between work priority, self relaxtion and family responsibilities.
After this brief let me put everything in one context
Financial Management | Financial Analytics will help to view working of your entire Business on one page |
Technology | Most affordable tool to expand your horizon |
Competition | Sales Forecasting, Trend analytics will give you upper hand over your peers |
Employee Management | Employee Analytics will help you to grown your sales |
Marketing & Advertising | Sales Analytics will help you to understand trend, and spent wisely |
Time Management | Dashboards will literally help you to save your valuable times |

Hence if you are a entrepreneur and looking for digitizing business connect with us on click here